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Encontramos 163 resultados para o termo Lies Of P

Lula announces measures to keep jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and expand aid beneficiaries
Últimas Notícias

Lula announces measures to keep jobs in Rio Grande do Sul and expand aid beneficiaries

On Thursday (6), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) announced a new package of measures to support the population affected...

  • 07/06/2024
  • 14:10:56
  • Geral
Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil
Últimas Notícias

Landless Rural Workers and Indigenous peoples take joint action in reforestation activity in Brazil

In a joint action, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST, in Portuguese), Kaingang and Guarani Mbya Indigenous peoples airdropped three tons of...

  • 05/06/2024
  • 15:40:47
  • Geral
Dam project threatens Indigenous rituals, hunting areas and even gravesites in the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land
Últimas Notícias

Dam project threatens Indigenous rituals, hunting areas and even gravesites in the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land

Once a year, dozens of indigenous people from the Tenharim Marmelos Indigenous Land (IL), in the municipalities of Humaitá and...

  • 03/06/2024
  • 12:39:54
  • Geral
After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat
Últimas Notícias

After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat

Camped by the side of a road under high-voltage cables and on the edge of the Cinco Estrelas farm, in the rural area of the town of Novo Mundo, in...

  • 31/05/2024
  • 19:16:30
  • Geral
Últimas Notícias

After expulsion followed by the arrest of a priest and a public defender, families camp neighboring a farm say they are under threat

Camped by the side of a road under high-voltage cables and on the edge of the Cinco Estrelas farm, in the rural area of the town of Novo Mundo, in...

  • 31/05/2024
  • 18:16:32
  • Geral
Não está tão longe: outro planeta descoberto que pode sustentar a vida humana

Não está tão longe: outro planeta descoberto que pode sustentar a vida humana

Podemos estar um passo mais perto de nos tornarmos uma espécie multiplanetária.

  • 24/05/2024
  • 03:10:40
  • Geral
Gabi Moraes avalia início de carreira como influenciadora digital:
Gabi Moraes

Gabi Moraes avalia início de carreira como influenciadora digital: "Maior cobaia de todos os erros da internet"

Gabi Moraes, anteriormente conhecida como Gabriela Pugliesi, participou recentemente do podcast “Vale o Post”, e relembrou o...

  • 22/05/2024
  • 22:01:01
  • Geral
Brazilian family farmers protest in front of many ministries 
Últimas Notícias

Brazilian family farmers protest in front of many ministries 

The march on the second day of the 24th Cry of the Land brought together people from all Brazilian regions on Tuesday (21st) to demand structured...

  • 22/05/2024
  • 16:59:18
  • Geral
Escola pede quadra poliesportiva e prefeitura atende de imediato

Escola pede quadra poliesportiva e prefeitura atende de imediato

SANTO ANTÔNIO DA PLATINA Da Redação Direção, professores e alunos da Escola Municipal Nohêmia Lopes...

  • 20/05/2024
  • 15:43:57
  • Geral
Espírito Santo tem a 3ª Festa da Juçara em Rio Novo do Sul
  • 20/05/2024
  • 12:41:23
  • Geral
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